Are RPs geared up to deal with inquests?
Inquests often make headlines and when Registered Providers (RPs) are involved, the spotlight is on the condition of housing and service provision. This scrutiny brings significant legal, regulatory and reputational risk so effective management and mitigation is imperative.
The untimely death of a customer is always tragic and the distress this causes for staff and/or other customers should not be underestimated. While RPs are usually well set up to deal with the emotional impact of an untimely death, the practical side is all too often dealt with haphazardly and without policies and procedures to guide staff. This chaotic approach increases risks and should be a priority for governance and regulatory teams.
Common challenges we see arising out of inquests are as follows:
The risks
The risks we refer to throughout this article are fourfold.
The first relates to a Prevention of Future Death report (PFD) being made by the Coroner where they think a similar death could occur again due to a failure by the RP. This is a published report and is something the Regulator will want to know about. As such, by determining the extent of the issues and implementing recommendations to resolve them before the inquest takes place, RPs can mitigate and often prevent the need for the Coroner to make a PFD.
Where the circumstances leading to the death present a breach of any of the Standards, consideration of a self-referral to the Regulator will need to given, and they will decide if action is necessary. Where there is concern of serious failures, it is far better to be transparent with the Regulator than wait for them to read about the issues in the news. The recently launched revised consumer standards set a robust expectation to self-refer to the Regulator on all material issues that relate to non-compliance or potential non-compliance with the standards.
Where there is evidence of neglect, for example, RPs risk being subject to civil proceedings. This is usually something that occurs after the inquest as next of kin will wait to see what evidence comes out of it before deciding if there is a claim.
Finally, RPs need to consider the reputation risk. This is something that needs to be handled carefully and with third party advice at times where there is a lot of media interest. Ensuring accurate and sensitive information is provided can help protect the organisation’s reputation.

Samantha Grix, Partner at Devonshires
"I have been representing RPs in inquests for going on 15 years and the same challenges come up time and again. I think this is because they happen so infrequently (thankfully) so staff aren’t familiar with how to deal with them. However, the risks of not being prepared are high and my best advice for RPs is to ensure that they have a policy and procedure for dealing with untimely deaths and that matters are dealt with efficiently upon becoming aware of an untimely death. This will mitigate the risks and allow the appropriate people to coordinate the action plan."

Fiona Underwood, Executive Chair at Altair
"Having been involved in investigations that have been referred on to the Coroner’s office, it is crucial to have an independent view of the issues and to identify where opportunities may have been missed and lessons that can be learned. Investigations have to be undertaken with complete confidentiality and sensitivity while thoroughly addressing the core issues. Working closely with other professionals ensures all avenues are explored and risks mitigated."
Register your interest for our seminars: “Proactive Preparedness: Ensuring Compliance and Best Practise for Inquests”
We plan on running a series of three in-person regional seminars in the latter part of the year to discuss the challenges of inquests. These seminars will feature shared experiences from those who have dealt with inquests within their organisations and offer strategies to mitigate risk. We will also have guest speakers to provide diverse insights and perspectives.
If you are interested in attending, please register now.

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