Housing Management & Property Litigation Brief
Issue 32
Hello, welcome to the new look HMPL Brief which contains a summary of all the hot topics in housing law and property litigation. You will see the return of our popular Faces of Devonshires and a ‘Spotlight on...’ section illustrating our growth in all our offices. This past six months have been a busy time for all who work in the sector with rapidly moving and pending legislation and huge changes in regulation. We have been kept well occupied keeping clients and our teams up to date with all the developments by undertaking a variety of bespoke and general updater training sessions. In addition to this, we have been planning some exciting in person events for the next six months so do watch this space.
Happy reading!
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Housing Management & Property Litigation Brief: Issue 32
Welcome - Donna McCarthy
Hello, welcome to the new look HMPL Digest which contains a summary of all the hot topics in housing law and property litigation. You will see the return of our popular Faces of Devonshire’s and, this time, three ‘Spotlight On..’ sections illustrating our growth in all our offices. This past six months have been a busy time for all who work in the sector with rapidly moving and pending legislation and huge changes in regulation. We have been kept well occupied keeping clients and our teams up to date with all the developments by undertaking a variety of bespoke and general updater training sessions. In addition to this, we have been planning some exciting in person events for the next six months so do watch this space.
Happy reading!
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