Housing Management & Property Litigation Brief - Wales
Issue 5
Hello and welcome to the brand-new look HMPL Brief for Wales!
We are of course still going through times of immense change and whilst it has been over a year since the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 came into force, we are still very busy advising clients on the changes and helping them navigate their way through new issues that are emerging.
We are also looking forward to our flagship conference in Cardiff this April that we are hosting alongside Cornerstone Chambers. Details are at the end of this Brief if you are not already registered!
We hope you enjoy the selection of articles in this Brief along with a ‘Spotlight on...’ section illustrating the team’s growth across our offices. As always, we hope you enjoy the read and get a small glimpse into what our team have been working on.
Housing Management & Property Litigation Brief - Wales: Issue 5
Welcome - Lee Russell
Hello and welcome to the brand-new look HMPL Brief for Wales!
We are of course still going through times of immense change and whilst it has been over a year since the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 came into force, we are still very busy advising clients on the changes and helping them navigate their way through new issues that are emerging.
We are also looking forward to our flagship conference in Cardiff this April that we are hosting alongside Cornerstone Chambers. Details are at the end of this Brief if you are not already registered!
We hope you enjoy the selection of articles in this Brief along with a ‘Spotlight on...’ section illustrating the team’s growth across our offices. As always, we hope you enjoy the read and get a small glimpse into what our team have been working on.

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