1. Executive Summary
1.1. The Phase 2 Grenfell Tower Inquiry Report (the “Inquiry”) was released on 4 September 2024 principally setting out recommendations on how to reform the Construction Industry to ensure tragedies such as Grenfell never happen again.
1.2. Of the 56 recommendations made, this summary sets out the most pertinent recommendations from the Inquiry which will impact Registered Providers, Responsible Persons and Principle Accountable Persons, albeit not necessarily immediately.
1.3. The existing legislative framework brought in via the Building Safety Act 2022 is not linked to the recommendations made by the Inquiry. Indeed, it has been left to the Government to determine how it will effect these recommendations which have cost the public close to £200m to develop. We have provided our initial thoughts on the impact of these recommendations. We do not address PEEPs in this summary but the Phase 1 Report recommended these would be introduced for disabled residents, and the UK Government indicated they would be introduced on 3 September 2024.

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